Not a lot has been happening of late so no real updates to give. The Shed is mostly done and waiting on the final touches, just been short of cash so have not been able to get them. Car Registration and Insurance is due early next month and that plus the usual pair of tyres to pass safety checks usually cost me around $1000 so I’ve been saving up for that. Probably be another month before I get back to finishing the Shed.
I have been doing a lot of work on the web server machine and the temporary file backup server since the big Raid storage crash. I have another matching server machine I’ve configured up and have rebuilt a new Raid array as the new storage drive. This time its a Raid 6 array using 5 drives initially which I’ll expand to 6 drives as I get them. As said in the last post, it’s going to take a while to purchase 5-6 new raid-spec hard drives… Once this replacement machine is ready I’ll be moving all the websites I host over to it, along with all the other services it runs (Minecraft server, Tiny-Tiny-RSS server, Sickbeard, SabNZB server, rTorrent and a few other things) not a huge job but I need to do it right, the current server has a lot of issues and quirks that I really want to correct this time.
That’s about all, I really need to get myself back into programming, been slacking off too much… Time to pull the Telescope project back together and get into that I think… Long weekend now (3 days) so other than mowing lawns and yard cleaning I should get myself to draw up a project plan and status…
Enough for now. Thanks for reading!
— Radan.